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Famous Composers

A composer is someone who creates music. Here are some classical ones.


Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven was actually the third person named that in his family! He also became deaf, but get this: He made some of his greatest works AFTER he became deaf!!!

He was maybe the most popular of them all. He made his first opera at 11!!! He made 68 symphonies (a symphony is usually 1½ to 2 hours long!) but his last was never finished.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart



Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

This composer created a lot of the ballets you see today. The Nutcracker? Yep!  Sleeping Beauty? That too! Swan Lake? You bet.


Joseph Haydn

Our QSCM did an entire concert about him (watch the video!)

Haydn was a musical prankster. He created a piece called "The Joke" that was full of fake endings.



Johann Sebastian Bach

This artist was an orphan at 10 and blind at 30. He created lots of great music... while taking care of 13 kids!

Brahms started playing piano when he was 7. By the time he was a teenager, he was helping the family make money by performing.

Jakob Johannes Brahms



Antonio Lucio Vivaldi

Just after he was born, an earthquake ripped through his town! He wrote 500 songs - That's enough to listen for 31 days straight!!!

This performer created 1500 songs - 2½ months of song! He had the particularly mean nickname "Schwammerl" (little mushroom) due to his short, plump appearence.

Franz Peter Schubert


Jacques Marchand

Is a modern-day French composer who has been a director of Abitibi-Témiscamingue Regional Symphony Orchestra since 1987 and also founded the Ensemble Aiguebelle, a string orchestra.


Note: All facts are confirmed from at least two sources.

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