Our trip to the Stirling MILL

Hello everyone,

The “kids” of QSCM’s new Kid’s Page went on a field trip to the Stirling Musical Instrument Lending Library (Stirling MILL) last week and wanted to tell you all how much fun they had picking out an instrument to borrow!

At the end of the story is a question that we will share the most interesting answer in a future entry. We also welcome other musical mysteries that kids want us to investigate. You can read the story in our Notebook and share the link with young people you know: https://www.qscmusic.com/notebook

With the recurring shut-downs, this is a great opportunity for kids to explore music. The MILL now offers a Distant Loan program through Partner Libraries that allows MILL Patrons to pick up and return their instrument loan at their local Library. Currently offered at the Public Libraries in Trenton, Madoc, Marmora, Trent Hills and Brighton. These locations – like the MILL’s ‘head office’ in Stirling Public Library – will remain open for curb-side service throughout the current Provincial COVID restrictions. For a small fee, your family can explore a huge range of well-maintained instruments.

I encourage you to check out their website and Facebook page where the full list of instruments is available, as well as further details on how to participate: https://stirlingmill.ca/

Take Care,


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