QSCM: Behind the Scenes (Letter from the Chair)

This is your October “Letter from the Chair”, although I’m not sure we’re going to call it that very often anymore. If you’re here, reading, you probably are aware that we’ve changed how we do the newsletter. Instead of trying to get all the “news” onto a one page email, we’re directing you to the blog. The QSCM blog is where you can find out in detail “What’s New With Q” and engage with so much more! The QSCM blog is where we talk about all things classical music. If you sign on as a web site member you even get to comment, talk back, create your own conversation about what matters to you when it comes to “Q”! It is also where we are posting program notes to support our on-stage discussions of the music being played, and raise any other issues that merit discussion.

I’d love to hear what you think of the new approach, and anything else you’d like to tell me! nLaunching the new newsletter is only one of the many tasks our volunteer staff has been working at over the last few months. The administrative tasks are too numerous to list, also not very interesting maybe. I might do that one day though just to encourage anyone who could help do any of those things will consider signing up for some volunteer activity.

I will tell you right now we are working on making sure we are ONCA (Ontario Not For Profit Corporation Act) compliant, due to recent changes in the Act. That is not a lot of fun and we sure could use a hand from anyone with experience in dealing with government requirements, legal documentation and all things bureaucratic! Once that is off the plate we will be focussing on grant applications. QSCM has been successful 3 times in winning – and I do mean winning – Ontario Arts Council Event funding. I say winning because grants are awarded on a competitive basis, and the competition is stiff!

Similarly, we will soon be applying to various local town councils shortly for a chunk of municipal funding. Anyone who would like the ATT or another QSCM event to happen in your community is welcome to help us approach your town council for assistance. Attendance by local community members (insert voters!) when we show up for Delegation to Council, makes a huge difference to the possibility of success.

The same is true for approaching local businesses for support. There are lots of other things going on behind the scenes, well befoe, as well as during and after events. So once again, I am asking you all if you can help out, please drop us a note!

Meanwhile our Artistic Director, Sebastian Sallans and I are listening to recordings, reading performances resumes and talking with musicians seeking to be on the QSCM performance roster. QSCM has a reputation for high quality performances. That brings the best classical musicians from this country and beyond to apply to be part of QSCM programming. That’s pretty cool don’t you think: professional musicians from all over the world want to come here and play for us.

QSCM will be ten years old next year. (Where did that time go?) Over the decade we have gained a reputation that counts. So I invite you, each and every one of you, to join us in what comes next. The future is wide open: we plan only to to grow, to continue to reach out in new and different ways, to bring the world, and I mean the entire world, of classical music to your doorstep.

Sign up, sign on, bring a friend! Stay in touch.

Until next time, this is indeed, your “Chair” (calling myself that always makes me laugh) wishing you all the very best as we approach Thanksgiving Day. We have I beleive, each and all of us with much for which to be thankful, not the least of which is each other. Safe travels if you are on the road this weekend. Happy times as you enjoy friends, family and – I hope – fond thoughts of QSCM and the music we make together .


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